A quick style card with Fall feeling with one of the lovely items from the new round at The Dressing Room.Last post for today ;)
MATERIAL GIRL DISCOUNT EVENT will be open very soon and will be even bigger then what u are already used to.The 3th round is just about to begin and here are three items that you can find exclusively there.Take a look,style cards inside.
Friday and is time to party so pull on your studs outfit and head down to New York City or well head down first to buy this outfit and then just go party,All eyes on us.
Something for those elegant nights,outstanding and in sale buy them before they are gone Because Pure Sales Room event ends in just a few days.
Style Card inside A more special post today.You ever dreamed of being a movie director?Stop dreaming and ...run to the Room 69 to get this Film Slate poses
Style card inside |
Check here my exclusive style cards and featured items blogged on Scala Models Academy and Agency website.Enjoy!
October 2014
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{MUA} make up
[F]oil .Pull Akeruka skins Beautiful Deluxe Dead Dollz Deesses Skins Designer Showcase Fashion&Art K.V. Dream Fashion Agency Liv Glam Loovus Dzevavor Maai Marshallows Material Girl Modern Couture Pomposity Poseway - Poses SCALA SL Skin Fair Sundaara Design |