It's quiet a rainy day here not really cold nothing like winter so my mind thinks of late spring - today post brings u something chic and limited from many points of view.We all love that kind of feeling to have something limited that not everyone have in real or around the grid.Many items I wear today are limited that means a certain number of items at a special price for a limited time some come after in the mainstore at full price some never will be available again - limited edition.There is a style card inside and landmarks to the events - get those items fast before are gone for good.As usual hugs and xx
A splash of color during this dark days of winter brought to us by LD - no no snow here just dark dark days. I really love this dress for the colors and special designs as LD already have used us with for so long.So let's have some fun for a casual day when we want to stand out of the crowd around the grid.You want to visit those snowy sims?Then just throw an oversize coat on,boots and you are safe.In both cases grab yr sunglasses snow or sun yr eyes need them.Style card inside with items and accessories from different events and landmarks.Hugs and xx
First weeks of the year are already past and we are so close to next occasion to celebrate love - Valentine's Day.I have today for you a casual chic outfit that will save your day for Valentine's or for a date with your loved one.New fresh items inside from Designer Showcase event and Kustom9.One style card one make up news style card and landmarks inside as usual hugs and xx
Check here my exclusive style cards and featured items blogged on Scala Models Academy and Agency website.Enjoy!
October 2014
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