Today post brings another summer casual outfit featuring this lovely dress from Akeruka,their first mesh clothes creation.Take a look for more details ,landmarks and style card.Enjoy!
Today we are meeting Josh the newest release from Akeruka Italian Creations.Josh comes with many options,I am wearing(or better said Josh my special guest is wearing) the Nat Clean version but is also available a Gothie version or a few with different kind of beards.Now are available at Akeruka also the Slink appliers - hands and feet both for females and males(also for woman lola appliers).The female skin I wear is named Yuki Natural tone and is the newest female release(was released at Skin Fair just a few weeks back) and it comes in different tones and make ups.Get the landmark and try for yourself.For more details check the Style card.Enjoy! Hugs and xx
Check here my exclusive style cards and featured items blogged on Scala Models Academy and Agency website.Enjoy!
October 2014
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{MUA} make up
[F]oil .Pull Akeruka skins Beautiful Deluxe Dead Dollz Deesses Skins Designer Showcase Fashion&Art K.V. Dream Fashion Agency Liv Glam Loovus Dzevavor Maai Marshallows Material Girl Modern Couture Pomposity Poseway - Poses SCALA SL Skin Fair Sundaara Design |