This post is featuring Dead Dollz at Gatsby Event - 3 exclusive dresses that are a must have really really believe me.I do love old time fashion but this gowns are the perfect combination between Gatsby time and modern time.Texture and details impressive so hurry up and get yours before is gone.The skin I am wearing is the exclusive skin from Pink Acid from SKIN FAIR I promised a few days ago I will show more in details.It has all appliers available and most important even an applier for the mesh head from The Shops giving you the possibility to make your mesh head and you look more unique.For more details style cards and landmarks check the post.As usual hugs and xx
The post from today is something Spring like featuring the new release from .Pull and some items from different events.The dress I am wearing is available in fitted mesh and normal mesh in 3 color combinations all white,all black or as the one I am wearing in black and white.There is a style Card inside and landmarks.As usual hugs and xx
Today post features a lot of new items from SAVIAD and SKIN FAIR. This beautiful gowns and jewels are designed by Lyrical B!zarre and are just two of the gowns she designed for the Spring Fair.Ghost gown is a special you can find at SAVIAD Tiger Alley.The skin used in the last photo is the new release from [SYS] at SKIN FAIR - XIA and come with all appliers available.Make up used by {MUA} Winter lipsticks number 2 and 3 exclusive release at SKIN FAIR as well.As you see a post full of new and exclusive items :) For more details check the style card and landmarks.As usual hugs and xx
Today new post features my colorful LOTD wearing mostly items by Loovus Dzevavor and a little second style card with one look i promised for awhile I will blog it - the LD outfit that brought me to the Face of LD Semi finals..{MUA} has a new colorful release that comes as a set but can be worn on separate layers as well - Spring make up set while Pink Acid releases at the event Anakoi skin that has all appliers available inclusive the Mesh head applier.Style Cards and more pictures inside as usual hugs and xx
More exclusives for you today but this time from another event too - FIERA Spring Fashion Fair.This two beautiful dresses you can find now at the landmark enclosed they are exclusives and the Hatrellas (those very cute hats to use as umbrella what an amazing creation and unique) come in many colors (gacha item) and they are from the same talented designer - Dead Dollz.{MUA} has at skin fair 4 new exclusive make up sets for each season of the year :) Two of them blogged for you today.For style card and landmarks check this post.As usual hugs and xx
Check here my exclusive style cards and featured items blogged on Scala Models Academy and Agency website.Enjoy!
October 2014
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{MUA} make up
[F]oil .Pull Akeruka skins Beautiful Deluxe Dead Dollz Deesses Skins Designer Showcase Fashion&Art K.V. Dream Fashion Agency Liv Glam Loovus Dzevavor Maai Marshallows Material Girl Modern Couture Pomposity Poseway - Poses SCALA SL Skin Fair Sundaara Design |