My new post from today - something very glam for cold days.As a note the leggings will be working just with the new slink feet High add on.It was on my Santa list but patience is not one of my qualities so I got them today.The outfit something very affordable from 55 Thursday.But for more info is a style card inside and landmarks.As usual hugs and xx
Christmas Expo is open now so this is my last preview for you because now you can go yourself and get lost in that pretty winter wonderland.You will need something comfy and warm to wear for there so I put up also a style card for this casual shopping friendly look.Landmarks inside and I hope I will be back soon with more posts.As usual hugs and xx
I came back at my blog to post something different then snow and holiday a place I wish I could be right now to relax after such a busy day.I do love winter and holiday season officially started today here.But I do have nostalgic moments thinking of the days of spring and summer.
Is my look of the day with a style card and landmarks and you might be surprised but this look is actually very affordable.Carry on reading to find out more.Hugs and xx I am very grateful to be part of the Christmas Expo this year.My post from today is with many items you can find there starting with 5 December.I loved many items from there so check back soon is more to come.Besides that some other items from discounted events.I have a style card for you with my LOTD and landmarks to the greatest events of the grid :) Hugs and xx
Check the Event page for more information about this event. |
Check here my exclusive style cards and featured items blogged on Scala Models Academy and Agency website.Enjoy!
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