I hope everyone have seen the last weekend show Chess,as we start the preparations for the Clue show I want to show you my favorite Chess outfit from the event designed by one of my favorites desginers in SL :) Dead Dollz.This gown is amazing from top to bottom and includes the head piece,a must have for every fashion lover.Landmark inside and more details.Happy Holiday ! Enjoy! xx
Once again, The Secret Affair is hosting an outstanding event like no other! This round begins July 15th and will end on the 29th. The chosen theme is: Medieval Masquerade, with a touch of William Shakespeare's "A midsummer night's dream"! Only the best will be found for each designer was hand selected, and limited to 40! Come explore our dream like setting, and let your minds wonder of what you may do with the items of choice!The post from today features some TSA event designers as well as Deesses skins and make up new releases for The Gacha Mania.Style Card and more details inside.Enjoy!Hugs and xx
Today I have for you an Exclusive gown by Dead Dollz available just at the KV Summer Fashion month.The event is half away almost and so it is the contest did you entered yet?Just about 2 weeks to go so you better hurry if you want to win amazing prizes.Style card,landmarks and more details about the Photo contest in today post.Enjoy! xx
KV Summer Fashion month is still going on and today I am featuring the Maai creation from the event.Hair by Mina from Fashion for life and the newest make up release from {MUA}.More photos ,details and landmarks inside.Enjoy!xx
Fashion for Life is the oldest and grandest of Second Life’s fashion event and one of Relay For Life of SL’s mega-events. It’s a ten sim fashion event featuring the generous offerings of more than 150 designers of clothing, accessories and poses – the essentials of fashionable life.There’s a fun little exploration game. On each sim you can find a souvenir made by the sim builder which you can get by donating 50 lindens to Relay For Life. Collect them all, wearing them with your passport hud and you can redeem your passport for one of over a dozen gifts.One of the great features of Fashion For Life is the hysterical and rewarding Wanderlust Passport Game. If you love a challenge and want to make a donation to Relay For Life - SL, but aren't looking to shop for fashion, you can go along with friends and play the Passport Game! Men, this one is particularly great for you, as you may have to purse hold and look for the man chairs while your lady friends shop all 10 amazing FFL sims.Read nmore here about the Passport game.
If you are looking to refresh yr garderobe for summer don't miss this dress by [SYS] as all their designs this is an outstanding original dress that comes in many colors to chose from.Enjoy! xx |
Check here my exclusive style cards and featured items blogged on Scala Models Academy and Agency website.Enjoy!
October 2014
Definite Second Life SL Feed Plus Zinner Shapes Grid Syndicate SL Feed Blogging SL Blogging Second Life Daily Look SL Iheartsl Fashion Feed of SL Blogger for
{MUA} make up
[F]oil .Pull Akeruka skins Beautiful Deluxe Dead Dollz Deesses Skins Designer Showcase Fashion&Art K.V. Dream Fashion Agency Liv Glam Loovus Dzevavor Maai Marshallows Material Girl Modern Couture Pomposity Poseway - Poses SCALA SL Skin Fair Sundaara Design |