As I promissed here is my first preview and more information about MONTH OF GAMES :) I am in holiday but I will try to do as many previews I can get a chance of until the event starts on 12 July.Besides blogging the event I am very happy to take part in the production of two shows for Month of Games with Scala.You don't want to miss this shows will be full of surprises and very special,something u don't see everyday in the SL Fashion show industry :) Style Card inside landmarks to more new fresh items from MUA and F.oil.Check the post for more details and the event story.Hugs and xx
Today I have a LOTD very summerish casual wearing few exclusives from the KV Summer Fashion Month, that is about to end very soon so hurry up and take a look ,don t forget to enter the photo contest either wearing one of the items available in the event.Featuring LD and Deeses skins get the style card for more details and landmarks.Enjoy!Hugs and xx
Today post is my last post for Fashion for life,just 3 days to go until this big 10 sim wide event ends.It's hard to believe that it's almost time to wrap up Fashion For Life! But we still have three days to get more donations in, including today.Thank you so, so much for all the extra miles!
Today I have for you an Exclusive gown by Dead Dollz available just at the KV Summer Fashion month.The event is half away almost and so it is the contest did you entered yet?Just about 2 weeks to go so you better hurry if you want to win amazing prizes.Style card,landmarks and more details about the Photo contest in today post.Enjoy! xx
KV Summer Fashion month is still going on and today I am featuring the Maai creation from the event.Hair by Mina from Fashion for life and the newest make up release from {MUA}.More photos ,details and landmarks inside.Enjoy!xx
Check here my exclusive style cards and featured items blogged on Scala Models Academy and Agency website.Enjoy!
October 2014
Definite Second Life SL Feed Plus Zinner Shapes Grid Syndicate SL Feed Blogging SL Blogging Second Life Daily Look SL Iheartsl Fashion Feed of SL Blogger for
{MUA} make up
[F]oil .Pull Akeruka skins Beautiful Deluxe Dead Dollz Deesses Skins Designer Showcase Fashion&Art K.V. Dream Fashion Agency Liv Glam Loovus Dzevavor Maai Marshallows Material Girl Modern Couture Pomposity Poseway - Poses SCALA SL Skin Fair Sundaara Design |