My look of the day something casual using some items available now at different events.Don't forget Black Friday is going on with huge sales and if you wait a lot in line just take a coffee breath deep and think - It will be ok :) Love hugs and xx
My post from today is going to be casual warm and cozy for chilly winter days.I have had a hard time in SL today kept crashing at every attempt to edit stuff but I managed to bring this post for you and show you some new releases.
Style card and landmarks inside hugs and xx Let me get you the news hits from this week from events as Shoetopia - Liv Glam -Collabor88 - CSS - PSR - Matrial Girl - kustom9 and so much more.So many must haves was impossible to let you miss this great stuff so I sum them all up in one post for you - my last post from this week.
Check this post for lots of pictures and landmarks to the latest events and new releases.With love as always hugs and xx Today I got my monthly biggest inspiration in fashion - Cosmopolitan magazine.There I found this article - Stand out from the crowd- and the girl was wearing same thing I am wearing for this post with items available at different events.Have fun and for more info check the style card with landmarks as well explore this beautiful village is a must see for winter lovers - as me :) hugs and xx
Check here my exclusive style cards and featured items blogged on Scala Models Academy and Agency website.Enjoy!
October 2014
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{MUA} make up
[F]oil .Pull Akeruka skins Beautiful Deluxe Dead Dollz Deesses Skins Designer Showcase Fashion&Art K.V. Dream Fashion Agency Liv Glam Loovus Dzevavor Maai Marshallows Material Girl Modern Couture Pomposity Poseway - Poses SCALA SL Skin Fair Sundaara Design |