Something different then casual but still from the winter look book.More on the vintage elegant look but I do hope you like it.The post comes with style card and landmarks as well as more pictures inside.Take a look hugs and xx
New post more news - featuring items from Designer Showcase.Get the style cards for a clubbing look or casual look are both inside together with the landmarks as usual hugs and xx
Oh well it took me about 4 days to understand the Fashion Story Hunt but I don't regret I put my time into it to find all those bags until I finally found the one type 2 that contain the landmark to The Secret Room .
Two outfits today from The Secret Room check it out - 2 style cards inside.Hugs A more special post today.You ever dreamed of being a movie director?Stop dreaming and to the Room 69 to get this Film Slate poses
Style card inside Vintage her is a vintage outfit with style card post obviously :) One vintage outfit on a low budget really can happen if you don't believe me just look inside for the landmarks.
Check here my exclusive style cards and featured items blogged on Scala Models Academy and Agency website.Enjoy!
October 2014
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[F]oil .Pull Akeruka skins Beautiful Deluxe Dead Dollz Deesses Skins Designer Showcase Fashion&Art K.V. Dream Fashion Agency Liv Glam Loovus Dzevavor Maai Marshallows Material Girl Modern Couture Pomposity Poseway - Poses SCALA SL Skin Fair Sundaara Design |